Welcome to the Eden place!

I’m glad you stopped by. I got fascinated with the story of the garden of Eden and the activities that took place there.

One of the key take home was that Eden was a place of intimacy. There Adam developed a deep intimate relationship with God, as God came down in the cool of the day to talk with him.

When Eve was created, Adam introduced her to that same intimate fellowship with God. And that is what this blog is about; a place of intimacy and worship. A place to grow in Christ and one of the verses that captures this is 2 Peter 3 vs 18 “But grow in grace”.

You will also find on the menu tab a Teens corner, where a generation of godly teenagers are raised and groomed. We pray to replicate Psalms 144 vs 12, “ Let our sons in their youth be like plants full grown and our daughters like corner pillars fashioned for a palace”.

Here on this blog you will be blessed with interesting and captivating stories and articles that will bless your heart, increase your faith and help in your walk with God.

Let’s grow in Christ together.